PostgreSQL Backup & Recovery with Barman

Felix Otoo
32 min readOct 14, 2016

Data is ubiquitous and it can be found strewing all over the internet. Some fraction of this enormous amount of data, which keeps growing is of crave importance to some stakeholders more than others. And that importance is mostly defined by the stakeholder’s interest or the kind of operations they are involved in. Data is important in general but even more important is customer data, transaction data, among many other kind of sensitive and crucial business-related data which serves as the prop for most businesses and their operations. Data gives businesses grounds to make informed and tactical decisions on how to keep afloat and ahead in a competitive business environment.

Data and I mean good and relevant data(I know what is good and relevant in terms of data is objective) is one vital reason why most business have been alive for years without a resignation to a folding up. Big companies like Amazon, Facebook, Twitter, Ebay, among many others dealing with very enormous amount of user and transaction data are definitely using some sort of backup and recovery strategy to keep the integrity, longevity, and availability of their data.

There are a number of approaches we can consider for backup and recovery. Some of these strategies include:

1. SQL dump
2. File System Level Backup
3. Continuous Archiving and Point-In-Time…

